
::: The glass is always half-full

Con la ola de desempleo que se vive actualmente, Cards of change intenta ver el lado positivo a esta etapa: agarra tu antigua tarjeta de visita y plasma en ella el lado amable de la situación.
Ya sea hacer yoga a las 11 de la mañana, salir del mundo corporativo-aburrido, mudarte a la ciudad que siempre dijiste que ibas a ir o emprender el negocio que tienes en mente...el mundo es tuyo!

With all the unemployment that the world currently live, Cards of Change try to see the positive side of this situation: Grab your old business card and put it on the bright side of the situation.
Wheater doing yoga al 11am, leaving the bored corporate world, move to the city that you always said you were going to or start that business that you have in mind...the world is yours!

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